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Vitamin Test - Vitamins are involved in different functions and processes in organism. Few of them have very important protective r
 » Home » Education » Science » Vitamin Test 1.1
Company: LifeForm Inc.
License: Freeware
Version: 1.1
System: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Size: 310KB
Date Released: May 6, 2005
Price: 0
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1358
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 23, 2005
Click here to Download
Vitamin Test - Vitamins are involved in different functions and processes in organism.

Few of them have very important protective roles: vitamins A, C, E (antioxydants), vitamin D and folic acid (the most important vitamin for women who would like to have children and for persons with high homocysteine level.) Trace elements, zinc and selenium, have vital roles in immune system strengthening. Omega-3 fatty acids are very good protection against cardiovascular and hearth diseases.

The most important secondary herbal ingredient are carotene and lycopene. Many recent studies show lycopene`s crucial anti prostate cancer properties and effects.

This user friendly Windows OS based application is created to help people to look toward and check their current health status. The results of this test will show you the deficiency of needed Vitamins and Minerals and this could be good cross-reference for further regular nutrition.

This software is dedicated to everyone and it is supported by the team of well-known and qualified phisicians and nutritionists.


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PakMed Biomedical Solutions | 227KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $20 | Downloads: 1271
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It is a neurological assessment tool developed in/for Microsoft Office Access. Based on Glasgow Coma Scale that is the most widely used scoring system used in quantifying level of consciousness following traumatic brain injury. Write Dr Murad Khan at info ...
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